Stacey on Software


[DRAFT] Getting Started In Software Development

February 20, 2017

More than occasionally, I get asked, “How can I learn programming as a beginner?” I have many thoughts on this, and here is just one of them…

The Long Road

When I think about my own path, I’ve been learning programming since the age of 10. I’ll be learning programming today, tomorrow, and again next week. I learned yesterday, and the day before as well.

So ask yourself why you want to learn to program. Because you may be doing it for the rest of your career, and you will think many times throughout, “why did I choose this?!”

Today’s electronic devices are mostly programmed by people who started with this same thought, and have taken a wide array of paths. Take comfort in that.


I believe we are experiencing a diversity crisis in this field. Too few voices and life perspectives shaping the devices and software we use every day to live our lives and do our jobs.

People will make assumptions about you, some judgement based on your appearance. If you’re a woman. If you’re asian. If you’re non-binary. If you’re heavy. If you’re black. These judgements may pigeon-hole you into certain expectations.

Even when you get into this field, you will find yourself judged based on a job title.

You’re a woman and a “senior developer”. You’re black and a “tester”. You’re asian and a “UX designer”. One more label, one more set of judgements about who you are as a professional and as a person.

You are not your labels.

No matter how many labels you wear, some part of you will always be erased behind them.

Who Are You

You want to be a software developer? *abracadabra* You’re a software developer!

Feel any different? No? But you’ve already expressed the key trait of a software developer! You want to learn to write software.

As we find our place within our fields, we have to first see ourselves in this field. What kind of software developer do you want to be? I’m not talking about programming languages here, you may not know one yet but you might know that “I’m transgender non-binary and I hate how all the software I use reinforces gender stereotypes!”

Cool! Through your career you will probably use dozens of programming languages and environments to bring that part of yourself into the world through your code.

Find these anchors within yourself, they will transcend the mud you need to wade through as you journey through your career.

Where To Start Learning

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Welcome to my personal blog. Writing that I've done is collected here, some is technical, some is business oriented, some is trans related.