Stacey on Software: Design

  • The Thing You Need On Your Radar

    I was talking to a colleague yesterday, smart guy, basically been focusing on systems level architecture and is maneuvering his employer in…

  • How To Build Good Software vs. Learn a Technology

    The Problem Go find any "learn X in 21 days", “X boot camp” training material and look at how it treats Technology X. Go to the Angular or…

  • The Cloud Native Virus

    Think about good application design. You have good cohesion at different layers of abstraction, your code is flexible and adaptive. At the…

  • The Spaces Between

    The Spaces Between On teams that are newly cross-functional, or in places with waterfallish reflexes, the coaching opportunities lie in…

  • Functional Decomposition and Customer Centricity

    When we use Functional Decomposition to break down efforts on a software development project, we work through how a system needs to work in…